Great presents for Christmas, concentrate on pot plants, bulbs and cut flowers. Pointsiettas can be kept in a warm room, but avoid over-watering. A yellow ring on the leaves indicates this is happening. A pot of small chrysanthemums is a good present for someone who doesn’t want to spend time looking after plants. Azaleas need […]
Nerine “Pink Tiumph” was shown, described as shocking candy pink, a surprising colour for the autumn. They have a sturdy 2 foot stem, which appears without leaves from the bulb. The bulbs should be planted in a hot dry position – e.g. the foot of a south-facing wall – and do not disturb them! If […]
Check hellebores and remove any old leaves showing signs of disease, otherwise the new leaves will get the infection. Don’t put them in the compost – dispose of them in your green bag. Now is a good time (while the soil is warm and moist) to move shrubs, perennials, and even small trees. Summer-fruiting raspberries […]
It’s not too late to sow dwarf French beans for an autumn crop. Also, you can sow one of the smaller varieties of turnip – I have noticed farmers sowing them into the stubble after harvesting and getting very good results. FLOWER OF THE MONTH Catananche likes it dry and hot. Insects love it. It […]
Tim began by circulating an attractive pot of blue gentian acaulis, which is slow to spread but will eventually form a longish mat in the garden. The flowers last quite a long time when they are cut. It grows well in a sunny position, but hates winter wet. The secret is to cover it with […]