
Check hellebores and remove any old leaves showing signs of disease, otherwise the new leaves will get the infection. Don’t put them in the compost – dispose of them in your green bag.

Now is a good time (while the soil is warm and moist) to move shrubs, perennials, and even small trees.

Summer-fruiting raspberries should be pruned. Cut off all the old canes and leave 5 good new canes per plant. If the leaves are yellow this indicates magnesium deficiency. An easy remedy is a light dressing of the horticultural version of Epsom Salts.

Brussels Sprouts – pull off any yellowing leaves at the base, otherwise the sprouts will taste bitter.

When your onions are dried off they should be hung in strings in a well ventilated area, otherwise they will rot.

It hasn’t been a good year for squashes, but if you have got some and you want to keep them do leave a small section of stem on to prevent rot creeping in from the stalk.

This is a good time to collect seeds from perennials, which need to be well dried off for keeping.

Top tips for the bulb show:
Narcissus bulbs pot immediately in compost which will retain moisture. They should not need feeding.Plant them just below the surface and water well. Place in a shady spot and cover over with leaves, keeping the birds off.Crocus should not be forced for the show. Leave in a bowl outside and take your chances.You can sow herb seeds now which should be ready in time for for the show. If you plan to submit rhubarb for the show, don’t force it until 6 weeks before.