It’s not too late to sow dwarf French beans for an autumn crop. Also, you can sow one of the smaller varieties of turnip – I have noticed farmers sowing them into the stubble after harvesting and getting very good results.
Catananche likes it dry and hot. Insects love it. It is long living and spreads slowly over time. It forms a mass of flowers on wiry stems two feet high. The leaves are dark green and narrow – quite insignificant. It flowers for weeks.
The seed heads are small and silver, and you can collect the seeds which germinate easily.
Wild arums are a nuisance weed in the garden and seem to have been increasing in recent years. They are difficult to eradicate because, if you dig them up, you risk leaving scores of little stollens behind, which all grow. I remove all the soil down to their growing depth, bag it up and take it to the tip.
Astrantias are easy perennials to grow and come in several colours. They are long-lived and can be divided when established.
They flop in very dry weather but soon recover.
Pigeons are a major nuisance and there seem to be more this year, all trying to take advantage of our hard work. Net everything that is vulnerable, and don’t put it off. They can demolish crops overnight.
Finally, I find it helps to make notes of ideas as they come to you, as an aid to planning for the next season.