1. The Society shall be known as the Littleton and Harestock Gardening Club.
2. The objects of the Society shall be:
a) to promote and organise monthly horticultural meetings/visits of interest to Members;
b) to provide horticultural theory and practical guidance for Members.
c) to encourage the local community to appreciate the different aspects of gardening as a hobby.
3. The office of President shall he filled by election at the Annual General Meeting.
The President post is ex-officio. but will be invited to all Committee Meetings.
a)The Committee may recommend to the Membership the appointment of a ‘Patron’. This position acknowledges the services of an individual member who, over many years, has provided guidance, encouragement, advice, influence and contributed greatly to the running and success of the Club. The position is honorary and lifelong. The individual can attend Committee Meetings and has the right to vote at such meetings. At any one time no more than two Patrons can be elected.
4.The Society to be managed by a Committee consisting of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Committee Secretary, Treasurer and other members filling various posts as required at the time.
One Member of the Committee may be appointed as the Society’s representative on the Littleton and Harestock Show Society.
5. The Annual General Meeting will be held in March and the gardening year will commence in April (w.e.f April 2009). a) All Officer and Committee posts to be filled by election at the Annual General Meeting in March.
Retiring Officers and Committee Members can stand for re-election. The elections to take place in March at the Annual General Meeting.
6. The Committee shall have power to fill by co-option any vacancy that may occur between Annual General Meetings, subject to the same rules as applied to elected Members.
7. At Committee meetings, four shall form a quorum and the Chairperson shall preside. In the absence of the Chairperson the Vice-Chairperson shall preside and in the event of both being absent, a Committee Member from amongst those present shall be chosen to do so.
8. The Committee may form such Sub-Committees as it may require. A Sub-Committee must have at least two members. One member of the Sub-Committee must be a member of the main Committee. The Sub-Committee shall organise itself so that one of its members takes the role of secretary and one the role of chairman of that Sub-Committee. The main Committee may delegate to a Sub-Committee such powers and duties as it may see fit. Club members may be co-opted to a Sub-Committee either by the main Committee or the Sub-Committee (with the approval of the main Committee). Sub-Committees shall be responsible and answerable to the main Committee at all times.