Climbing hydrangeas. Should be planted horizontally in shade as they only grow upwards. Examples are H. Petiolaris (deciduous) and H. Seemanii (evergreen) which are self clinging. Don’t use on white walls or allow to get behind drainpipes and gutters. Pruned at the end of season.
Shrubby but with no framework. Cut down to ground level every year in January or February then feed. Examples are H. Aborescens Annabelle (White) and Invincible (Red) which needs support in containers.
Tall shrubby with framework. Examples H. Paniculate White Moth easy on chalk. Flowers on current years growth pruned in December / January to a bud to make a framework. H. Unique very big white / pink grows six feet each year and pruned in January to a bud. H. Burgundy Lace a smaller plant.
Tall shrubby no need to prune and have large soft velvety leaves. H. Aspera various including Gold Rush with gold leaves and pink / purple flowers, H. Macrophylla with pink / purple flowers in August / September on last years wood.
Mopheads which are easy to grow. H. Tokyo Delight likes salty winds and humidity. H. French Bolero dwarf with delicate looking blue / pink flowers. Prune after frost.
Lacecaps. Best in dry soil, twiggy and pruned January / March. H. Serrata various including Beni-Yama, Preziosa, Miranda and Bluebird which will actually be pink on chalk.
Climbing hydrangeas. Should be planted horizontally in shade as they only grow upwards. Examples are H. Petiolaris (deciduous) and H. Seemanii (evergreen) which are self clinging. Don’t use on white walls or allow to get behind drainpipes and gutters. Pruned at the end of season.
Shrubby but with no framework. Cut down to ground level every year in January or February then feed. Examples are H. Aborescens Annabelle (White) and Invincible (Red) which needs support in containers.
Tall shrubby with framework. Examples H. Paniculate White Moth easy on chalk. Flowers on current years growth pruned in December / January to a bud to make a framework. H. Unique very big white / pink grows six feet each year and pruned in January to a bud. H. Burgundy Lace a smaller plant.
Tall shrubby no need to prune and have large soft velvety leaves. H. Aspera various including Gold Rush with gold leaves and pink / purple flowers, H. Macrophylla with pink / purple flowers in August / September on last years wood.
Mopheads which are easy to grow. H. Tokyo Delight likes salty winds and humidity. H. French Bolero dwarf with delicate looking blue / pink flowers. Prune after frost.
Lacecaps. Best in dry soil, twiggy and pruned January / March. H. Serrata various including Beni-Yama, Preziosa, Miranda and Bluebird which will actually be pink on chalk.
Other species. H, Quercifolia with good autumn colour and oak like leaves. Good inflorescence, is good on sandy soil and can be container grown. One variety is called Cloud Nine.