The talk started with showing a few of the colourful plants currently flowering in the garden with the blue of the Dutch Iris which flowers for 4 to 6 weeks and lasts well in water and the Siberian Iris. We had the pink of Gladiolus Byzanteum and the Phlomis Tuberosa and the white of Allium Nigrum and white Thalictrum.
Some of the hand tools which are invaluable in the garden include Burgon and Ball Shrub Rake and Razor Hoes with left and right handed options. Jakoti Hand Shears, Felco secateurs 2 and 6 and Darlac Asparagus knife.
We then had a very interesting slide show of plants of various species and with different growing conditions.
Shade perennials: Heuchera villosa Autumn Bride, Bergenia Ciliata
Epimediums, Brunnera. Japanese Anemones, Hostas
Ferns: Dryopteris affinis ‘Cristata the King,’ Osmunda Regalis
Bulbs: Camassias – damp part shade, Galtonia candicans – sun
Alternative to Allium bulbs: Perennial Alliums eg Millennium, Lavender Bubbles, or Echinops ritro
Tulips: Arabian Mystery, Spring Green, Flaming Spring Green, Merlot
Daffodils: Pheasants Eye, Thalia, Sir Winston Churchill
Perennials and shrubs for sunny aspect:
Everlasting Sweet Pea, Sambucus nigra (Black elder) Cotinus (Smokebush)
Phlomis russeliana and fruiticosa, Nepeta, Verbena Hastata
Rudbeckia Goldsturm, Crocosmia Emberglow, Erigeron
Potentilla fruiticosa, Hemerocallis
Hardy Chrysanthemums, Asters, Hardy Salvias
Clematis: Arabella, Etoile Violette, Mme Julia Correvon
Good supplier Thorncroft Clematis
Mermaid, Sally Holmes, Erfurt, Complicata
Rugosa eg Scabrosa, Open Arms, Centre Stage
Hydrangea: Annabelle, Kyoshu, Mophead and Lacecap, Oak – leaved
Kalmia latifolia, Berberis darwinii, Viburnum davidii