Our AGM was held in the Millennium Hall, the first time back there for two years! It was good to see everyone in person again.
We started with the AGM, followed by a lively discussion on how the club moves forward.
Instead of the usual comprehensive flower show we had a modified bulb show. Each member had purchased their own narcissi bulbs and planted them in the required sized pot. It was interesting to see how many entrants had managed to get a pot full of bulbs in flower for that day.
Margaret Harris was a well deserved winner, and she received a garden centre token.
Ray Broughton, our president, gave us a very informative talk on how to easily raise the quality of our lawns, a topic near to most of our hearts.
Here are a few tips.
Do not put sand only onto your lawn to aid drainage, mix it with 70% soil.
Apply a potash feed in Autumn, it protects from wind damage and keeps the lawn green.
When dealing with moss in the lawn, remember to kill it, not just rake it out. Treat the moss with iron sulphate. After four days it goes black. On the same day you treat it, chit some grass seed. In four days it will be ready to cover the treated areas. Chitting starts the seed germinating and birds will not eat it.
Fairy rings. Make holes with your garden fork across the rings and wiggle the fork to enlarge the holes, working all the way round the ring. Pour a solution of iron sulphate mixed in warm water down the holes.
To fill “thinned areas”. Your seed mix must include Agrostis Tenuis. This is a modern seed and a fantastic filler grass.
Smart seed. This is a seed coated in something that prevents birds eating it and enhances germination
Turf. If cutting turf, use a turf spade to lift them. It is much easier than a normal spade.