Gardening By The Moon – Science or Myth by Charles Jennings
In January we welcomed local scientist Charles Jennings to give a Zoom presentation on Gardening by the Moon...Science or Myth. Charles grew up on his fathers farm in Australia where the climate was always a challenge. In 1969 his father agreed to a biodynamic trial where crops were planted on a particular day. This established success was greater if the Moon was full as that coincided with the gravitational effect of groundwater which meant the wheat had a better start and the growth pattern more predictable Throughout the ancient world this was followed and crops were planted according to the cycles of the planetary system. Folklore has other rules such as planting potatoes on Good Friday as originally they were considered the Devils food because they grew underground. Charles suggested it we want to experiment we could try planting at full moon in April until the 4th day, rest and resume on the 13th. He never plants anything into the ground until it is actively growing. He has had some success during his long association with organic gardenening and continues to look at all methods of sustainable gardening.