Our July speaker was Peter Moore, his subject “Buddleja: The National Collection”. “ A Flower for All Seasons”.
Peter started his career in horticulture working for Hilliers, ultimately for 36 years. He went to Longstock Park Nursery as a propagator, where for 13 years he has been in charge of the renowned Buddleja Collection.
Since the buddleja is so attractive to butterflies and bees every garden should have one, Peter suggests, moreover its forms are so diverse that it is possible to have one in flower every day of the year. It is found in many parts of the world, for example South Africa, Mexico, Guatemala, Madagascar, China, Australia, The USA and the Isle of Man!
Buddleja tolerates drought, and will grow in acid or alkaline soil, but watering in dry weather will increase the supply of nectar for butterflies and moths, and deadheading throughout the season keeps Peter very busy. Pests to beware of are blackfly, red spider mite and eelworm, and hail will damage the florets. Pruning (any time from the end of February) can be drastic, 10 inches to 12 inches above the ground, “similar to rose pruning.” Colours can be purple, red, pink, blue, white or variegated.
We were given a long and comprehensive list, including b.Silver Anniversary,
b. Tubiflora, b.Alternifolia (grown as a tree), Royal Red, Lilac Chip, d. Black Knight (Butterfly Bush), but there are too many to record here.
Peter, a recognized independent and versatile plant breeder, showed us varied and colourful slides, and his talk was an inspiration.
As space in The Hampshire Chronicle Community Pages is limited I gave just a few random examples in the report sent, as always to the Editor. Herewith a list with more of Peter’s names.:-
Asiastica – scent of jasmine. Lewisana Margaret.
Globosa Officianalis. Delavayii.
Salvifolia. Myriantha.
Colvei. Loricata.
Cordale. Blue Horizon.
Nanho Blue. Glasnevin.
Buzz Lavender. Purple Rain.
Southcombe Splendour. Darts Papillon Blue.
Gulliver – biggest flower 6 ft high
lilac with orange eye. Griffen Blue.
Purple Friend. Orchid Beauty.
Orpheus. Buzz Magenta.
Longstock Pink. Autiumn Beauty.
Border Beauty . Sugar Plum.
White Wings. White Cloud.
Peace. Buzz Ivory.
Harlequin. Variegated. Santana Variegated.
I apologise for any errors; These were recorded at speed!